Keeping Up With Express Entry Draws: Tips For Timely Updates (2024)

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Keeping Up With Express Entry Draws: Tips For Timely Updates (2)

Figures from the beginning of Express Entry in 2015 till date


  • Express Entry - The Ultimate Guide
Express Entry – Step-by-Step Guide
Express Entry – Latest Draws
Express Entry – How can I improve my CRS score?
Express Entry – How much does it cost?
Express Entry – Common Refusal Reasons
Express Entry – Why am I Ineligible?
Express Entry – Settlement Funds
Express Entry – Valid Job Offer
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PNP Live Monitor
PNP In-Demand Occupations List
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New Brunswick
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Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec Immigration Programs
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  • Agri-Food Pilot (AFP) Program
  • Start-up Visa Program
  • Moving to another province after becoming a permanent resident
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Last edited:

August 27, 2024

Latest CRS Cutoff Score

The 312th draw forExpress Entry permanent residence candidates happened on August 27, 2024.

The type of draw was the following: Canadian Experience Class (CEC).

The CRS score of the lowest-ranked invited candidate was 507 CRS points, with 3,300 invitations to apply (ITAs) issued in total.

As with the previous draws, a tie-break rule was used. As a bunch of candidates have the same 507 CRS score, only those who have created their profile before June 5, 2024 at 01:08:58 UTC will get an ITA.

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#3122024/08/27CEC Only3,300507
#3112024/08/26PNP Only1,121694
#3102024/08/15Category-based: French language proficiency2,000394
#3092024/08/14CEC Only3,200509
#3082024/08/13PNP Only763690
#3072024/07/31CEC Only5,000510
#3062024/07/30PNP Only964686

Distribution of Candidates in the Express Entry Pool per CRS Score

The graph below shows the number of candidates in the Express Entry pool by CRS bracket, just a few days before the latest draw. These numbers change on the day of draw, thus explaining the discrepancies between the draw results and the numbers in the graph.

Distribution as of August 26, 2024

When is the next draw?

There is unfortunately no way to tell when the next draw will take place. However, based on the data gathered since the beginning of Express Entry in 2015, there is a clear pattern on when the draws take place: onWednesdays, every two weeks.

But as said before, it is only a pattern, and there have been deviations from it: some draws took place on Mondays or Tuesdays, and sometimes wait time between two draws is one or three weeks, instead of the usual two.

If you want to be alerted about when a draw takes place, don’t hesitate to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter (links at the bottom of the page).

What’s an Invitation to Apply (ITA)?

An Invitation to Apply (ITA) is sent to the immigration aspirants in theExpress Entry poolwho are selected by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). ITAs are issued on a priority basis when a draw is conducted from the Express Entry pool, meaning that only those with the highestCRS scorewill receive an ITA.

Each Express Entry draw has a cutoff minimum score: only those who are assigned a CRS score above or equal to the cutoff score will receive the Invitation to Apply. For those who have a CRS score equal to that of the cutoff score, candidates who have been the longest in the pool will receive the ITA.

An ITA is not to be confused witheligibility to the three federal programsof Express Entry, or with ajob offerfrom an employer or with theProvincial Nomination Programs.

What are the Types of Express Entry Draws?

There are three types of invitations to apply that are issued by IRCC to Express Entry candidates in the pool :

1. General rounds of invitations
In this type of draw, IRCC will invite top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligiblefor anyof the three Express Entry programs :

  • Federal Skilled Workers (FSW)
  • Federal Skilled Trades (FST)
  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

2. Program-specific rounds of invitations
In this type of draw, IRCC will invite top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible fora specific Express Entry program.
An example would be a draw that only invites candidates eligible to one of the three Express Entry programs (FSW, FST or CEC)or theProvincial Nominee Program (PNP).

3. Category-based rounds of invitations
In this type of draw, introduced in 2023, IRCC willinvite top-ranking candidates in the pool who are eligible fora specific category.
The categories are based on yearly specificeconomic goals. Each year, IRCC will announce the selected categories that category-based draws can be based on.
For 2023, the selected categories and their eligibility criteria are the following:

1. French-language proficiency

To be eligible, you musthaveresultsfrom an approved French language test that show aCanadian Language Benchmark (CLB)score ofminimum CLB7in all 4 language abilities.More information on language tests here.

To be eligible, you must have accumulated, within the past 3 years, at least6 months of continuous work experience(in Canada or abroad) in a single occupation listed in the table below.

NOC codeOccupation
31112Audiologists and speech language pathologists
31121Dieticians and nutritionists
41320Education counsellors
31102General practitioners and family physicians
42203Instructors of persons with disabilities
31204Kinesiologists and other professional occupation in therapy and assessment
32101Licensed practical nurses
32201Massage therapists
33101Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations
32120Medical laboratory technologists
32121Medical radiation technologists
32122Medical sonographers
33102Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
31302Nurse practitioners
31300Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors
31203Occupational therapists
33109Other assisting occupations in support of health services
32209Other practitioners of natural healing
31209Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating
32109Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
32102Paramedical occupations
33103Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
31303Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals
31301Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses
32103Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
31100Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine
31101Specialists in surgery
41301Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies
32200Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists

To be eligible, you must have accumulated, within the past 3 years, at least6 months of continuous work experience(in Canada or abroad) in a single occupation listed in the table below.

NOC codeOccupation
20011Architecture and science managers
21221Business systems specialists
21300Civil Engineers
20012Computer and information systems managers
21311Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)
21230Computer systems developers and programmers
21220Cybersecurity specialists
21211Data scientists
21223Database analysts and data administrators
21310Electrical and electronics engineers
20010Engineering managers
21321Industrial and manufacturing engineers
21222Information systems specialists
21203Land surveyors
21201Landscape Architects
21210Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries
21322Metallurgical and materials engineers
41400Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers
21232Software developers and programmers
21231Software engineers and designers
21202Urban and land use planners
21233Web designers
21234Web developers and programmers

To be eligible, you must have accumulated, within the past 3 years, at least6 months of continuous work experience(in Canada or abroad) in a single occupation listed in the table below.

NOC codeOccupation
73200Residential and commercial installers and servicers
72406Elevator constructors and mechanics
72405Machine fitters
72402Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
72400Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
72200Electricians (except industrial and power system)
72106Welders and related machine operators
72014Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers

To be eligible, you must have accumulated, within the past 3 years, at least6 months of continuous work experience(in Canada or abroad) in a single occupation listed in the table below.

NOC codeOccupation
93200Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors
73300Transport truck drivers
72604Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators
72603Engineer officers, water transport
72602Deck officers, water transport
72601Air traffic controllers and related occupations
72600Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors
72404Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
72403Railway carmen/women
70020Managers in transportation

To be eligible, you must have accumulated, within the past 3 years, at least6 months of continuous work experience(in Canada or abroad) in a single occupation listed in the table below.

NOC codeOccupation
82031Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services
82030Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors
63201Butchers- retail and wholesale

How to get an Invitation to Apply (ITA)?

TheComprehensive Ranking System (CRS)ranks immigration in the Express Entry pool following some profile criteria:

  • Human capital factors such as age, level of education, language ability in French and English,
  • Spouse or common-law partner human capital factors, if applicable,
  • Skill transferability factors, such as foreign work experience and language ability,and
  • Additional factors, such as aprovincial nomination,avalid job offer, studiesin Canada, French language abilities, having a sibling as a permanent resident in Canada or Canadian citizen.

The maximum score in theComprehensive Ranking System is of1,200 points, but it’s impossible and there’s no need to get a CRS score of 1,200 points. However, if your CRS score is below the cutoff score, we strongly advise you to check out our article onhow to improve your score.

Do you need any help?

Are you a little lost and need some help? Join our privateFacebook group, where our admins and members will respond to any question you may have on Canadian immigration.

To make sure you are up-to-date on the latest information on latest draws, PNP news and other new guides we publish, follow us on our social media so you will be the first to know! You can find our social media accounts at the bottom of the page, or in the menu section.

Immigration Plan for 2024-2026

On November 1, 2023, the government of Canada revealed itsImmigration Plan for 2024-2026. The plan reiterates the country’s investment in increasing immigration targets for the period: approx. 345,770 new permanent residents over three years through the threeExpress Entryprograms (FSW,CEC,andFST),and an additional approx. 350,000 through theProvincial Nominee Program (PNP).

To learn more about Express Entry and the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), check out our10-step guide.

Historical CRS scores since 2015

2024 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#3122024/08/27CEC only3,300507
#3112024/08/26PNP only1,121694
#3102024/08/15Category-based: French language proficiency2,000394
#3092024/08/14CEC only3,200509
#3082024/08/13PNP only763690
#3072024/07/31CEC only5,000510
#3062024/07/30PNP only964686
#3052024/07/18Category-based: French language proficiency1,800400
#3042024/07/17CEC only6,300515
#3032024/07/16PNP only1,391670
#3022024/07/08Category-based: French language proficiency3,200420
#3012024/07/05Category-based: Healthcare occupations3,750445
#3002024/07/04Category-based: Trade occupations1,800436
#2992024/07/02PNP only920739
#2982024/06/19PNP only1,499663
#2972024/05/31CEC only3,000522
#2962024/05/30PNP only2,985676
#2952024/04/24Category-based: French language proficiency1,400410
#2942024/04/23All programs2,095529
#2932024/04/11Category-based: STEM occupations4,500491
#2922024/04/10All programs1,280549
#2912024/03/26Category-based: French language proficiency1,500388
#2902024/03/25All programs1,980524
#2892024/03/13Category-based: Transport occupations975430
#2882024/03/12All programs2,850525
#2872024/02/29Category-based: French language proficiency2,500336
#2862024/02/28All programs1,470534
#2852024/02/16Category-based: Agriculture and agri-food occupations150437
#2842024/02/14Category-based: Healthcare occupations3,500422
#2832024/02/13All programs1,490535
#2822024/02/01Category-based: French language proficiency7,000365
#2812024/01/31All programs730541
#2802024/01/23All programs1,040543
#2792024/01/10All programs1,510546

2023 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#2782023/12/21Category-based: Agriculture and agri-food occupations400386
#2772023/12/20Category-based: Transport occupations670435
#2762023/12/19Category-based: Trade occupations1,000425
#2752023/12/18All programs1,325542
#2742023/12/08Category-based: STEM occupations5,900481
#2732023/12/07Category-based: French language proficiency1,000470
#2722023/12/06All programs4,750561
#2712023/10/26Category-based: Healthcare occupations3,600431
#2702023/10/25Category-based: French language proficiency300486
#2692023/10/24PNP Only1,548776
#2682023/10/10All programs3,725500
#2672023/09/28Category-based: Agriculture and agri-food occupations600354
#2662023/09/27Category-based: French language proficiency500472
#2652023/09/26All programs3,000504
#2642023/09/20Category-based: Transport occupations1,000435
#2632023/09/19All programs3,200531
#2622023/08/15All programs4,300496
#2612023/08/03Category-based: Trade occupations1,500388
#2602023/08/02Category-based: French language proficiency800435
#2592023/08/01All programs2,000517
#2582023/07/12Category-based: French language proficiency3,800375
#2572023/07/11All programs800505
#2562023/07/07Category-based: French language proficiency2,300439
#2552023/07/06Category-based: Healthcare occupations1,500463
#2542023/07/05Category-based: STEM occupations500486
#2532023/07/04All programs700511
#2522023/06/28Category-based: Healthcare occupations500476
#2512023/06/27All programs4,300486
#2502023/06/08All programs4,800486
#2492023/05/24All programs4,800488
#2482023/05/10PNP only589691
#2472023/04/26All programs3,500483
#2462023/04/12All programs3,500486
#2452023/03/29All programs7,000481
#2442023/03/23All programs7,000484
#2432023/03/15All programs7,000490
#2422023/03/01PNP only667748
#2412023/02/15PNP only699791
#2402023/02/02FSW only3,300489
#2392023/02/01PNP only893733
#2382023/01/18All programs5,500490
#2372023/01/11All programs5,500507

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2023

Number of ITAs and CRS score per category-based draw in 2023

2022 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#2362022/11/23All programs4,750491
#2352022/11/09All programs4,750494
#2342022/10/26All programs4,750496
#2332022/10/12All programs4,250500
#2322022/09/28All programs3,750504
#2312022/09/14All programs3,250510
#2302022/08/31All programs2,750516
#2292022/08/17All programs2,250525
#2282022/08/03All programs2,000533
#2272022/07/19All programs1,750542
#2262022/07/06All programs1,500557
#2252022/06/22PNP only636752
#2242022/06/08PNP only932796
#2232022/05/25PNP only589741
#2222022/05/11PNP only545753
#2212022/04/27PNP only829772
#2202022/04/13PNP only787782
#2192022/03/30PNP only919785
#2182022/03/16PNP only924754
#2172022/03/02PNP only1,047761
#2162022/02/16PNP only1,082710
#2152022/02/02PNP only1,070674
#2142022/01/19PNP only1,036745
#2132022/01/05PNP only392808

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2022

2021 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#2122021/12/22PNP only746720
#2112021/12/10PNP only1,032698
#2102021/11/24PNP only613737
#2092021/11/10PNP only775685
#2082021/10/27PNP only888744
#2072021/10/13PNP only681720
#2062021/09/29PNP only761742
#2052021/09/15PNP only521732
#2042021/09/14CEC only2,000462
#2032021/09/01PNP only635764
#2022021/08/19CEC only3,000403
#2012021/08/18PNP only463751
#2002021/08/05CEC only3,000404
#1992021/08/04PNP only512760
#1982021/07/22CEC only4,500357
#1972021/07/21PNP only462734
#1962021/07/08CEC only4,500369
#1952021/07/07PNP only627760
#1942021/06/24CEC only6,000357
#1932021/06/23PNP only1,002742
#1922021/06/10CEC only6,000368
#1912021/06/09PNP only940711
#1902021/05/31CEC only5,956380
#1892021/05/25PNP only500713
#1882021/05/20CEC only1,842397
#1872021/05/13CEC only4,147401
#1862021/05/12PNP only557752
#1852021/04/29CEC only6,000400
#1842021/04/28PNP only381717
#1832021/04/16CEC only6,000417
#1822021/04/14PNP only266753
#1812021/04/01CEC only5,000432
#1802021/03/31PNP only284778
#1792021/03/18CEC only5,000449
#1782021/03/17PNP only182682
#1772021/03/08PNP only671739
#1762021/02/13CEC only27,33275
#1752021/02/10PNP only654720
#1742021/01/21CEC only4,626454
#1732021/01/20PNP only374741
#1722021/01/07CEC only4,750461
#1712021/01/06PNP only250813

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2021

2020 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#1702020/12/23All programs5,000468
#1692020/12/09All programs5,000469
#1682020/11/25All programs5,000469
#1672020/11/18All programs5,000472
#1662020/11/05All programs4,500478
#1652020/10/14All programs4,500471
#1642020/09/30All programs4,200471
#1632020/09/16All programs4,200472
#1622020/09/02All programs4,200475
#1612020/08/20CEC only3,300454
#1602020/08/19PNP only600771
#1592020/08/06FST only250415
#1582020/08/05All programs3,900476
#1572020/07/23CEC only3,343445
#1562020/07/22PNP only557687
#1552020/07/08All programs3,900478
#1542020/06/25CEC only3,508431
#1532020/06/24PNP only392696
#1522020/06/11CEC only3,559437
#1512020/06/10PNP only341743
#1502020/05/28CEC only3,515440
#1492020/05/27PNP only385757
#1482020/05/15CEC only3,371447
#1472020/05/13PNP only529718
#1462020/05/01CEC only3,311452
#1452020/04/29PNP only589692
#1442020/04/16CEC only3,782455
#1432020/04/15PNP only118808
#1422020/04/09CEC only3,294464
#1412020/04/09PNP only606698
#1402020/03/23CEC only3,232467
#1392020/03/18PNP only668720
#1382020/03/04All programs3,900471
#1372020/02/19All programs4,500470
#1362020/02/05All programs3,500472
#1352020/01/22All programs3,400471
#1342020/01/08All programs3,400473

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2020

2019 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#1332019/12/19All programs3,200469
#1322019/12/11All programs3,200472
#1312019/11/27All programs3,600471
#1302019/11/13All programs3,600472
#1292019/10/30All programs3,900475
#1282019/10/16FST only500357
#1272019/10/02All programs3,900464
#1262019/09/18All programs3,600462
#1252019/09/04All programs3,600463
#1242019/08/20All programs3,600457
#1232019/08/12All programs3,600466
#1222019/07/24All programs3,600459
#1212019/07/10All programs3,600460
#1202019/06/26All programs3,350462
#1192019/06/12All programs3,350465
#1182019/05/29All programs3,350470
#1172019/05/15FST only500332
#1162019/05/01All programs3,350450
#1152019/04/17All programs3,350451
#1142019/04/03All programs3,350451
#1132019/03/20All programs3,350452
#1122019/03/06All programs3,350454
#1112019/02/20All programs3,350457
#1102019/01/30All programs3,350438
#1092019/01/23All programs3,900443
#1082019/01/10All programs3,900449

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2019

2018 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#0812018/01/10All programs2,750446
#0822018/01/24All programs2,750444
#0832018/02/07All programs3,000442
#0842018/02/21All programs3,000442
#0852018/03/14All programs3,000456
#0862018/03/26All programs3,000446
#0872018/04/11All programs3,500444
#0882018/04/25All programs3,500441
#0892018/05/09All programs3,500441
#0902018/05/23All programs3,500440
#0912018/05/30PNP only200902
#0912018/05/30FST only500288
#0922018/06/13All programs3,750451
#0932018/06/25All programs3,750442
#0942018/07/11All programs3,750442
#0952018/07/25All programs3,750441
#0962018/08/08All programs3,750440
#0972018/08/22All programs3,750440
#0982018/09/05All programs3,900440
#0992018/09/19All programs3,500441
#1002018/09/24FST only400284
#1012018/10/03All programs3,900445
#1022018/10/15All programs3,900440
#1032018/10/29All programs3,900442
#1042018/11/14All programs3,900449
#1052018/11/28All programs3,900445
#1062018/12/12All programs3,900445
#1072018/12/19All programs3,900439

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2018

2017 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#0512017/01/04All programs2,902468
#0522017/01/11All programs3,334459
#0532017/01/25All programs3,508453
#0542017/02/08All programs3,664447
#0552017/02/22All programs3,611441
#0562017/03/01All programs3,884434
#0572017/03/24All programs3,749441
#0582017/04/05All programs3,753431
#0592017/04/12All programs3,923423
#0602017/04/19All programs3,665415
#0612017/05/04All programs3,796423
#0622017/05/17All programs3,687415
#0632017/05/26PNP only143775
#0642017/05/26FST only400199
#0652017/05/31All programs3,877413
#0662017/06/28All programs3,409449
#0672017/07/12All programs3,202440
#0682017/08/02All programs3,264441
#0692017/08/09All programs2,991433
#0702017/08/23All programs3,035434
#0712017/09/06All programs2,772435
#0722017/09/20All programs2,871433
#0732017/10/04All programs2,801438
#0742017/11/18All programs2,757436
#0752017/11/01PNP only290673
#0762017/11/01FST only505241
#0772017/11/08All programs2,000458
#0782017/11/15All programs2,750439
#0792017/12/06All programs2,750452
#0802017/12/20All programs2,750446

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2017

2016 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#0242016/01/06All programs1,463461
#0252016/01/13All programs1,518453
#0262016/01/27All programs1,468457
#0272016/02/10All programs1,505459
#0282016/02/24All programs1,484453
#0292016/03/09All programs1,013473
#0302016/03/23All programs1,014470
#0312016/04/06All programs954470
#0322016/04/20All programs1,018468
#0332016/05/06All programs799534
#0342016/05/18All programs763484
#0352016/06/01All programs762483
#0362016/06/15All programs752488
#0372016/06/29All programs773482
#0382016/07/13All programs747482
#0392016/07/27All programs755488
#0402016/08/10All programs754490
#0412016/08/24All programs750538
#0422016/09/07All programs1,000491
#0432016/09/21All programs1,288483
#0442016/10/12All programs1,518484
#0452016/10/19All programs1,804475
#0462016/11/02All programs2,080472
#0472016/11/16All programs2,427470
#0482016/11/30PNP only559786
#0492016/12/16All programs1,936497
#0502016/12/22All programs2,878475

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2016

2015 CRS Scores

DrawDraw DateDraw Type# of issued ITAsMin CRS points
#0012015/01/31All programs779886
#0022015/02/07All programs779818
#0032015/02/20CEC only849808
#0042015/02/27All programs1,187735
#0052015/03/20All programs1,620481
#0062015/03/27All programs1,637453
#0072015/04/10All programs925469
#0082015/04/17All programs715453
#0092015/05/22All programs1,361755
#0102015/06/12All programs1,501482
#0112015/06/27All programs1,575469
#0122015/07/10All programs1,516463
#0132015/07/17All programs1,581451
#0142015/08/07All programs1,402471
#0152015/08/21All programs1,523456
#0162015/09/08All programs1,517459
#0172015/09/18All programs1,545450
#0182015/10/02All programs1,530450
#0192015/10/23All programs1,502489
#0202015/11/13All programs1,506484
#0212015/11/27All programs1,559472
#0222015/12/04All programs1,451461
#0232015/12/18All programs1,503460

Number of ITAs and CRS score per draw in 2015

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Moving to another province after becoming a permanent resident
Caregivers Immigration Programs
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Keeping Up With Express Entry Draws: Tips For Timely Updates (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5718

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.