The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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2 SUPPLEMENT TO THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER SATURDAY JULY 22 1882 MTDICAL BUCTESS Y0TICE8 BVSmSfl BOTTOM THE CHAMPION SEWING MACHINE 53 HINDLEY STREET 55 INDIGESTION THE WHITE TREADLE RED BOOT WAREHOUSE DROPS THE WHITE PEEKLESS HAND GREAT BARGAINS WILL CI RI rt ARING SALE OB ONE MONTH INDIGESTION 2 BUTTER The following testimonials wUl be sufficient guarantee a to tbeir adaptability for 3 bra bad maay doetocs to trM bte foe udtgeeOna bat to no purpose in namnliil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 9 Mr Orem Dear Tear ladlgeotfain Drco ISTtbeSS ANGASTON WINES SOUTH AISTRIUIX WIVES OLD CONSTANTIA TAYLOR BROTHERS Vintage 1874 Prize Melbourne Exhibition HIKIUMIVS COCOAS WIGG SONS Specially rrrrtmea rlrl to person troabled vfth BlUOVSNEbS BEADACMK INDIULsTlON HAND TREADLE' COALS GOKE GOALS a BEST NEW SOUTH WALES Tin 226thM IllEtT HOUSEHOLD STEAM OR MEDICINE THE NEW IDEA AND CATALOOVI Ct DCS CO CBS Delivered Anywhere at Lowest Carrent Prices HENRY SIMPSON SON 27 Currie strcct Adelaide and Wharf Port tMttm GEORGE CHURCH COMPANY WHOLESALE AND BETAIL IRONMONGER IN PACKET TEA No 138 RUNDLE STREET LATE JAMES SCOTT SONS SOLD EVERYWHERE BSthovr NCBTH ADKLAID1 TTHE ADELAIDE SOAP POWDERS A ARE SUPERSEDING ALL OTHERS a6ee COMORTABLE TEETH far Toothache ai to The Bed Thread i Thto vatabit epedfle btaOrnmge Tooth Pule kv the moral at tartar tooth Irtaw whitik tear tt MMMS OOUTT8 A ACETIC ACID etetttaad manto The TeUov Thread tastaatiy team tooth Sprays Braabm Raw Tubtag Mih 4S aa anta ld: Art Car WbUeado Ajweto Ceerfrare I fl POW I vr I THE GROWTHS I INDIA CHINA JAPAN EAUdeSUEZ 6 2 6 11 BORKIJOUND HORKHQCMD HOREHOUND BALMAM at ZAUSlHat Balaam 11 6 CHARLES CROSS CAWLER SOUTH AUSTRALIA IvJUacv PrtatW tad PV Atof by Rower Kvvnn Tairas attoeoftem at a dwMtaM PzlJf red Adelaide Otaerw xuUa aia OATS OMIONS LAW Vhe T3dw4 to the Gnea MH spmaJly adapted tor skudira TftlmfHrinTa each Uw ere al atora nine tttaa any eate too ptapMut ere maha MAIN LXDICESTIOX POWDER TH I CHEAP AMD POPULAR UMBDY LIVER PILaTaH Coenpmed of American Retecttc Raeeitiaa vHcb bare lately attracted the otMwtksi Railaaul da do do do do HEYRT SEWELL PAYNEHAM NURSERY BOOTS 8ewn Kids at greatly BOOTS reduced prices and a splendid assortment of beat Levant Kids Elastin Sides Lasting Balmorals in great variety also Children's Elastic Sides and Lace of every de scriptian and pretty little ones for the Babies Cm MaBoe sad Cvt Rnota Ma par Toe for Cato onDsttvery only SvHnte par tea per aula AQ wtfshtd out bv Government Orders by pool May UR Wbolemle tlDHW A Cou Adelaide Pwl Adelaide sad Gavter tad retail everyvbm LSQcvd 79 King William street City and Hart street Port motors WAKEHOCSE ADELAIDE CLOSED AT 8 ON SATURDAYS BASIN PORT ADELAIDE tTKhas 53 HINDLEY STREET 55 SI9I 21S VALUABLE TU TGOUSAB JR Pacaitb la JUCR LB PBOPBORrs OR AAJSLn DBtflBVVRH PATENT 7JEDICINES An la Aortna: ELTOIT GBIMWADB Co RplboarM JX10TT Brdnrr lUluTT THKR8 On Br ataat LDW A CO Adataida ta New Zaatead: AENPIBORMK PROS stR Col Duadia Aackkad CbctaebsHtaad WtUtagvta MALLEE IREWOOD Cut to order delivered within City boonda at 24a Coal at Loweat Bataa la per ton per BilaexttK GovmsMBt wMgh tKrta with aaeb load Postal order promptly delivered WINDEBANK AND CO RAILWAY WOODYARD MORPHKTT STRKBT iSD BOGEL'S COR5BB NORWOOD Mtttee HARRISON CO PHARMACEUTICAL ANU UlbKNSLNG CHEMISTS Itt BLXDLBIREtT ADRLAIDA italtelMi Draw READ £100 OB MEDICAL ATTEST) AW CX READ THIS errn sxavAjn (port uxei ct bed tranToothecheMddectayaftheteeth Toev ere three ktoda dtauantehei tram ewb oths by a Yellow Green ana Bed elk thread attached ttetetu The Green Thread mat beoocSdswithcnoet reioafiia ah and MkoM be aaad aa a dsdy wwh Tboae who anSw patodlceUv troa luotbacba martmemaod the teeth and guna decay oAnn re bftah will naw acffw again and will preasve ttelr HENRY SEWELL GENERAL PLANT MERCHANT PAYMEHUI NCRSEBY aonjHDK iiahm I hare foisted I aoaht nadwal advice sad ana gcatlemae erid that antae I found tamailate relief when the altar aune aa I abuld hs I am wy rlad indeed to my that tie lattenaSta Dropa I baa tram yon at ceca aare me reUta I bop is wfu hare a good aala Yvu Ua taj free prrmte at to puhUah Uua ADELAIDE Iffiscre AGENTS THE UNIVERSAL SEWING MACHINE GO 5 lil M)LE STREET AGENTS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL IN THE COLONIES HWthne 6 per Month 0 MARAVILLA COCOA ESSENCE AND SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE LOTsTDOISr Xay be obtained in Labelled Tina or Packets throughont the Coloay DROPS win am ALL DISEASES THK Dio 0BQA1U RXTBAOBDntABY CVUL DKATU PUVBXTBO North Adelaida October 1 MDaar I hare aattaced aerertay for many Cra There wm otteriM sad palpitate aermnd heart at timet I had a sarty MUor tecta to tbs WB HA VI A BW SUPPLY OP UPHOLSTERED URNITURE Of all deecrfptiona tn Stock and to Order on th bhvrfoat 5utica Drawing room Suites from £15 13s Dining room do do £11 OLD SUITES RESTTED Kraal to Work done curtoaere own bouse if dedrad AD orders entrusted to mr are executed either by myself or under my own parental aupervfakm The wort fat produced at the lowest poesible coat ao that all parties fumishiaf will do well to tali on toe before purchasing eteewhers SCHILDT PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER STBEET NORTH ADELAIDE Tmna pam the door atop at Ward street IWthae been off nd tor a loot Ium bad that at tern aba eoald nta breathe Kbe had eaawutted the bmd One of three Hautalas gieallfyEDIATE ItELIE tn the worn stuck of ASTHMA HAY KVER CHHON1C BB0NCH1TI8 INPLUBNZA COCGH and SHORTNESS BREATH and tbdr daily ue effects a COMPLETE The oootrectfou the air tubes which oeuere tattoeas of cheat and difficulty at breathing is at once Veaened by inhaling the medi cated smoke it the cigarette a tree expectoration ensure and the tewthtog trgSM resume their baturel actwe Perms who suffer at eight with COUGH ISO PHLEGM and SHORT BHKhTH find them inreitt abla a they initently due toe apecm pramota deep and allow the paunot to pom a good night There Ogaretaea bare been rottsere fully treted and recommended by tea Medfoal Piuftrefoo for many years They are perfectly harmtere and ean bemoted by India children and the tnoM debcaie pauretta ea to to tod ooccmh do capable of denwgtog the jwtrax AtaKs in Australia ELTON GRI3CWADK CO Melbourne I ELLIOTT BROTHERS Sydney PAULDING hCaAtoteid La New Zeatand: KEMPTHoKNR A CO Dunedin Auckland Chnsteburehd WdhryteB KONE GENUINE LKLEbS uohACE 0 ALSO Por Pir 11 9 WM SUTHERLAND RAILWAY WOODYARD tHthae NORTH TERRACE PLANTS TREES SJVO A RNQLDS BALSAM 09 UORR MOUND AnMlLim ARNOLD'S ABN OLDS The BEST REMEDY for NHOKTWBmmw BREATH THE OLDEST PLLMBIVG PAIXTIXC PAPERHAXGIVG ESTABLISHMENT LX ADELAIDE LEIGH STREET HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY IAMPLOVGHK PYRETTO SA LINK makes a moot Parthtau LevteoreUnK and Ameable Effavmctu Draurw that gfre Inatonb retWfa PRICBLY HEAT JI NGLE Evyn tn HEADACHE bEA or AftKH'S ICKNEI Cures the worst ftmm of Kkta tkjmplattrta Itaewea arining tram Crag ata ta Liver otber tanpnrtttam By Vitaiiatog the Stood thereby natate elimMke teaueaem or the tofrete af MKAbLU KVIUMk and ether eruptive affrethraa It te stad by er "hemiet and the hfakre (note toe trede mart) lAmttoagh at the Labcraton 1U HUbtai HUI tedJTl? (T nuan Ararte for Mew Booth Walm Hmera Elliot? Bbotwebr Pbltqs OUMVASM a Co MaL hremre Reath AiirtiaMa Men it WTSa Co Adta aa thin Balaam Where ohiidrea having WbMpto Cough or are liable to Croup always keep it to the bouee A dngte dnae quietens and gives relief A Mall bottle of tee earea This fo the bort eneb torant now to use repWIy reUeree the btamrhtel tabes by dtaeoMng the mM phtegm Care fadly obsette name ef eolo praprtotor and mafa Cttrer as label and wraow JAMES BKlSbMEAD St KtLDa MKtMH Bvg ARNOLD'S BALSAM HOREHOUND Aak for ARNOLD'S" and get it Sptuiaw imitatiaae are mmettafon offered ARNOLDS BALSAM at HOREHOUND A PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACT Sold by all Cbemtata la bd to ad Wholesale Agaoto A Bjckpobp A tea Adelaide IMUtdMv SIMON HARVEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIMBER MERCHANT LINDERS STREET ADELAIDE a NEW DOCK PORT ADELAIDE BUILDING MATERIALS of every description Mvaya oa hand nehdlna DOORS WINDOWS SAiHES GALVANIZED IRON SCREWS NAILS GUTTERING CEMENT 4c Ac Town pad Country Oraere executed with diaratch at the UNDERS vSTVi MHRP YARDS STEAM SAW AND MOULDING MILLS 68thao THE PTBLIC are respectfully invited to inspect our PtTEYT REGISTERED TWO WHEELED UROL CHUMS vith Doon to open 8L1 cljoe by the driver without leaving hia aftau Also on view oar IMPROVED WACOM ETTES fr uperior to any thing ytt introduced iTsmww MORCOMBE CO ranklin street SEEDS Of every deaertptioa correctly named aecurely packed and sent to any part of Australia having me of the largaat collections of piaata the Aaatrallan group to prepared to make apectod qaotauoam for large quantities to public bodiao I smied proprietors and the tre le The Nuismtao are open for bwpeettoo to aUbetb panbawu ot aot had oo oao will regret a viaiL SIXTY THOUSAND Of theoe Sewing Maehinae were made in 1880 and over 1500 of them were bold in South Australia the firat year they were introduced Theae Mm hine ven MOT exhibited at the Melbourne at Adelaide Exhibitions as they do not require medals to introduce them to the public 0RCEZAPXB33 LIGHT RUNNING UNEQUALLED Sir The WHilk Machine ve bought til too on the 11th August la I believa one the boot I ever worked and I would ream mend thorn to any mm requrinea machitie Auguat 23 188L WILLIAM THOMASEart Auburn The Hi Machine you uupplied me with to riving every mtfrfaction I have no difficulty in doing any kind or work with it tad I find it the lighteet running machine I ever uaed I ahall be happy to recommend it to any oae either for maaamctsnng or Arnrisstif WOrt September 1S8L A HASTE Brovn atreeL Grim ault a PHARMACKCTICAL UHBMIKTR Pania: a Rig Viviixm a pau GRDUULT A CO MATICO CAPSUL44J A5D INJECTION Renowned Pbyutataas prescribe OniosrrtTB st too the axMt active and at the saare time lbs Boot toofleaBve remedy in too tree tote of Acura axn Cmmmik biura It bM not like roeiBA the toooevadenes at giving Nuaua Ths Inleetion to need In raoret mm Capsules In toe more chrmrie casea 'litortTSv ALRED WADDY CO ACCOUNT onniz MAKERS Dv Jvyr binders STATIONERS RUNDLE STREET EAST NRAB jrwish BYNAGOOUX rom Salter Son Saltram Vineyards OBTAINED THE OLLOWING ANDdANY PRIZE8: ADELAIDE SHOW 1876 Port 2nd Prine Sherry fcid Priae 1877 Port lot Prize Sherry Certificate of Merit Port tot Prize Sherry lot Prize 1 Port lot Prize Sherry let Prue Port tot Prue Sherry tot Prize Port Cup Prize Sherry Two Irt Prizes These MINES also received PRIZES at PHILADELPBLK SYDNEY and MEL BOURNE and are now to be had both Wholesale aad for amily Use from THOMAS HARDY ADELAIDE WINE CELLARS CURRIE STREET ADELAIDE BLENDED WW MUH fZ 'H3PrLa TEA RICHARDS VICTORIA HOUSE 57 RUNDLE STREET NEW GOODS PEB MAIL AND ORIENT STEAMERS Ltate tod ChlMra'S Dd tad Lgvaat LA Bal tad Butt Boots tad Amu Leather higb leg Bal Boots (ven superior) for Winter mt Evening and Duong Sh ee ur bound and laanel Mned Eooto and Slippers Grattr and ES Roote Kid Boot and boee trom the beet EngUto and Continental bmure The celebrated Teem Bal and ES Boots from om of the bom lacinowtodged) Rngttto bourn for baad eew Winter Boota Getelemea will fed tbeee of a very esperioc quality tad eaey wear otyie and oet usarpaened A few tinea of Ladfre1 nad ChOdraa a SototMr Goods at nominal prime Empty Shoo Truto for Sale cbaar Victoria Boom RunvUe etreeti MtUo WHO WOULD BB WITHOUT Cowgh Uxir? Which euree nine Ctoee out at teaprt Cotu and Ctride when in time It to a reliable remedy in Aetoma and BrtmeiutM erf wfcfc': attato one totiteaia) out of many that bare acbed ua Copt To aeMta Co 1 wia a rafferer foe many month from aorere eoogh and eold 1M wm toneed to try your Cough Eirir after 1 had tried several otb which were of no service to me rom (Law of luid Ing's Elixir 1 rot tMtant relief tad was perfectly cured briore I laiabed the bottle Toure THE GENUINE AMERICAN HOP BITTERS MANUACTURED BY THE HOP BITTERS MANG CO Of Roebootcr NY CAA 1U 1 MEDICINE NOT A DRINK Tbs above Company are wall known aa bakag too origiaaton of tbo HOP BITTERS PRIZE The grant boatraoe rowed oo too Thamee nod eo euumeahiHy carried nd by too GALLANT LAYco*ck AUSTRALIA HOP BITTERS ARB THE PUREST BEST AND CHEAPEST MEDICINE EVER MADE They era compounded from hops BucHr mandrake cpudopbytite and dandelion The (Hdeot Beet most Renowned and Valu able Medionee in the Wid and in additioa eoctata aU too beat and most effective curative 74 and 80 RUNDLE STREET AMILY AND GENERAL DRAPERS TAILORS AMI CLOTHIERS Wo bare mob pleaaure in gtvfM aMtea to our riend Cuobomoeu and the PubHo that we hare admitted into Partnership MR REDERICK BASEY who wai for many ysart a Departmontal Masagat i th Wbotela ira of and Will Co TbnBnnMoo will be earned cm nndar th style aa boretotoze at7and 30 Buinlle rtioot The General Drapery at No 80 Rondletreet The Tailoring and Clothing at No 74 Rnndle street WILLS Ac CO OXYGEN IS LIE DR BRIGHTS Mt'LTTTt'DIM PEOPLE are htetey suffering from DoImUW Nervous and Li tare nteta Depraeteon of RpMa laJigaeMm Load tads wont of Power AL whose ease Admit of rwrniMent rare by the ae at DR RRIGim PKOKPHODYNE (Oineir ogrek which st ereo alay all tematscre and eecttemoet tmpnrto now merry and life to ths enfeebled cnMttMrttan and rapully ceres every stage of them hitherto inferable sad disfre ing malaitwe XV Beware of Wurttdem Imitotioo teertap suwiter Mta Adelaide Agrete srimre a Co HMM etoriag ggent on earth REMEMBER THIS I I YOU ARE SICK HOP BITTERSO sereiy eM Nature tn making yvo well again when all etoe foils If you are a frequeoter or a reddest of a miaomatie district barricade your system against the scourge of aU material epidemic hflfoua and tnterniitteat foveti br toe use at HOP BITTERS If you are motire or dyopeptie or ore suffering from toy otber of toe ounwrou dheesee of toe otomacb or bowate it Is your own fault you remain to for HOP BITTERS are a eorerrign remedy all meh eomptatate If you are reetin aay with any farm of Kidney dfooaaa etop tempting Death thio mo ment and tun for a rare to HOP BITTERS It you are rick with that terrible sfckMw Nervouanam you will And a Balia tn Uilead In too aM of HOP BITTERS In abort they cere ALL Dueaees of tbo Stomach Boweto Blood Liver Nerves Kui arn Ac and £500 will be paid for a ease they will not rare or bote er for anything impure or injurtwia found In them Tbat poor bedridden Invalid wife testerother or daaghter can be made toe picture of health by a few hotties of Hup Bitten costing WILL YOU LET THEM SUER CLEANSE PURIY AND RNRIC8 THE BLOOD WITH HOP BITTERS and you will have on tecknem or suffering Large square panelled amber cdoared bottles Whito label green Hup duster cn one teds yellow ou toe otber Price te No other form teas or price to genuine America Hop Bitters Mfg Rochester NY US A To bo obtained st aD Cbemirts and Druggirts Ageuta for Soeto Anotrslie A BICKORD AND SONS ADELAIDE MONTEiOREMETCALEANDCO PITT STREET SYDNEY NtLW 1 coeval Ageuta for Aus mil tbsev SMART WEBB CO GRESHAM STRXET ADKLAIDR I have much pleasure in Adding my testimony to the excellence of the WHITE Machine We have had it in daily use tor twelve month and have not had the slightest difficulty with it I have do hesitation tn saying that it is the boot machine I have seen May 9 1882 GARNKR Cutter for Gault Co Rundle otreet Tbo WHITE Sowing Machine you sent me oo approval I an in every way pleased with or simplicity and ease in working It is perfection May 22 1882 RAMMER Randle otrret Dear Having for many years used several machine I was induced to trv the WHITE Machine and would recommend it aa being superior to other makes both for lightness and durability June 11882 CLISBY Edward otreet Norwood SANDERS CO Who now poaoeoe INCREASED ACILITIES for executing ALL KINDS WORK appertaining to the Trade at moot REASONABLE TERMS Water Servlet a4 Pamp Speciality AUTHORIZED PLUMBERS UNDER THE NEW SEWERAGE RECJLATIHS WALL PAPERS OILS PAINTS GLASS Always band in vory Variety and to Arrive DEEP DRAINAGE Our Mr HUGHES ol the late finn can aow be eOMuited behalf of tbo Sewerage Regnlatione in aU its branebo a 192thc Under distinguished Patronage I not a dye But is Infallible in giving to grey or discolored hair its natural youthful color It immediately stops the htt fives new lie strength an abundant growth an tnoorrrparotte glass and a heauif heretof're unknown Of all scientific preparations hitherto discovered the MO1AL WIVdLoH stands alone and un approacbed I rowtu'e Hiiuuiduti' aiu prefer ci me uir I It is perfectly harmless and free from the inconveniences ot other rtiZQL TtUlH RBSTORKIt worteta prixo inednf Jt tM ttrotttU Inieroational AgfafoAoe (Soli bv Cbrotsu nd Ptrfemm tn britet i Stif teuirt musals ar A It Bickford A Bono Daccewn Ccuui Sraur amlum Rrert Caarxm axo By a toorregb knowledge ot tbo neutral tore vbicn titan toe opetstiouo of dteesttou sad autriticu end by careful spplicatioe of too fine properties of vU oelectad Coeon Mr Ppv boa provided oar hrnvkftrt tablas vtto a delicately flavoured heritage wbich may mre so may heavy biBa II to by the judiriouo am of onto articles at dwt that a ooastita tioa may be gradually built up until otrreg eeougb to nrim every taeoeocy to dueum Hundreds of oubtie malmbee are flooring aroud ready to attack wberevw there to a weak point We may escape many a total abaft by keeping oureetveo well fortifled vrtto pure blood ana a property nourished Cktd Saraica QaatOa Made simply vrtto boiling water or Bold only tn packets Jana Rm A Co HomteopaUtic Also taakara of RfpCs Chocolate Essence for afternooa nee PIANOS PIANOS PIANOS OX TERMS TO SOT EVERYBODY Viz: By 34 Monthly Instalments 3 13 3 0 2 5 2 8 2 15 9 5 0 ALSO CHEESE PLATTEBS PLATTEB3 BISCUIT BOXES JAM JAMS and other CABVED WOOD TABLEWARE BOOTS Elastic from do do do BOOTS da do da da 10 to 13 BOOTS Leather Slippers Boota 1 Men's Working Boot 6 Men a Extra Heavy BttelenUe AMto Nrs aukiin A Co A Bfckicrd HteM left A ta AR Wills and Co A ovrfer A Ntarrie A Co Adelaide aloe from the Maeefertory Aa regard the WHITE Machine I purchased from you 1 am hatroy to aay it is giving vnry pcMoihki I only regret that 1 did not know of thia Machine sooner Octobtf 13188L LEAVER Hatter 83 Ruadle eteeet I am plewd to aay the WtllTK Machine you supplied me with is giving the greatest mtiafaction being very easily worked and perfectly noueteoa November 11 1881 00LNELIU3 Kent Town I take this opportunity to teolify to the exoellenoe of th WHITE Sewing Machine I bought from you Im variety of work done by this Machine without alteration or ad justment is quite extraordinary and my knowledge 4 Sewing Machines convinces me that this will be an everlasting one I shall be acet happy to recommend the White Machine to any one April 27 1882 GURR East Addaid A Ckrmiri Wto a Pvreart mm wutarat Aower merpf in fat ewe mvMry EXTRACT of a Letter from a Gentle aa in Mribenrao to hia friend in thanks for smiting mo Um half linera bottles at Watson's LAVENDER WATER Yoe may tell him it to toe meet ptaaasBt larttag uid i ri fctg perfuse I know of and aa far 1 am aware wrenaDod at toe prise Mra prefer ENTERICON THC NBW PECinC Uba faasnoAtato reitaf and oody cars to Nwvonasee ImilgeotMti totelvmea Palpitation Lavaa at Spirit Sc Gee Mwedy vvlita aad peuiMti rare to NorroM and Hiyrtml DebBity arerutetirwal nr acquired a loeetae for uvwty of tbe Blood Oftanaivv Brenth Plarplea raptiuea toe bsaefnl effects of Mercury Ac A atari Inal win rnttotsetorily prow Mo afficecy ifaM by all Cbvmtota and btureVireiee WhoimaJe Apto fl atLMxod CeAifotaUs 17MM CHEESE UC0MAMS Rmcting ao atatrat daQy dirert tram the test rxbik'400 A 17 ILL accosirffab wftbuat any tacking er preparation ell kinds of plain and fancyK VV Wark eitb the appUAveu G1VKX WITH EACH MaCHISR ffotaat Loose iVin liiu yr Wheel Automatic Bobbi WindM rre Instractioos MOST LIBERAL TIMB I i PAYMENT LQ Eriry deecrfptton of vgWTNO MACHINES REPAIRED rm the Premlaea WERTHEIM SEWING MACHINE DEPOT 101 RUNDLE STREET ADELAIDE Agents Ceo BaXRK SCAkVk A Cft Gawler plara Jmo Mastih A Co Pi" Un rtiort ttbaev MAIN GEYER CHEMINTS AND DRUGGISTS flo A BINDLEY4TRT and KINA WILLIAM OTR 3Ma GRUNDY Manager MEDICAL falldlws COUGH ELIXIR ttottae TIMCKE fScccsMoaa to Blass Jaischxk A Cab Na 90 CURRIE STREET ORAGE MERCHANTS AT BRAN CORN CHA At ALWAYS QN HAND tbec COOPERAGE 4 BARROW ACTORY UND BBS AND 0ILLK3 STBS STS ADELAIDA AD brads at Cooper' Work st moderate etergve od good work guarasSeed ft Prise Metels tor Craaorago Ufll Md tm POthta DRY MALLEE IREWOOD BINET ORGANS by MASON HAMLIN the SMITH COMPANY WOODS 00 and PRINCE A CO any of which may be had on the TIME PAYMENT SYSTEM ALL THE NEWEST MUSIC AT HAL PRICE VOLUNTEER BANDS COMPLETELY ITTED OUT PIANOORTES TUNED IN TOWN AND COUNTRY PIANOS REMOVED rVHi zli 0 rAf ftinrr ifl A to otbtf cm mm ra i ctlcr Is bMXtee at la to fld ihlafl J5hi Parahu I BJ 12 Moathly By 18 Monthly i fastalmente Instalments A PIANO Value £36 £3 0 0 £220 Da do 42 3 10 0 2 10 0 Da da 48 400 3 17 0 Do da 4 10 0 8 3 0 Da da 60 5 0 0 3 10 0 Do da 73 6 0 0 4 4 0 EAUdeSUEZ.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.